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The Tree of Life: A Love Letter to Nature | Photovogue’s 2024 Global Open Call – Present

Attention all Photographers!

“The Tree of Life: A Love Letter to Nature” – Announcing photovogue’s 2024 Global Open Call!

This year, we’re exploring the profound bond between humans and nature, advocating for a fundamental shift in our interaction with the planet and its diverse inhabitants. Join us in celebrating not just the magnificence of the natural world, but also our deep love and connection with all life forms – from animals to plants, rivers to mountains.

We’re inviting photographers and videographers of all genres: from wildlife documentaries and eco-conscious fashion photography in forests, to videos showcasing the symbiotic relationships within ecosystems. Let’s create art that inspires change, fosters hope, and celebrates our bond with nature, focusing on its beauty and resilience.

Featured globally across 27 Vogue editions, this Open Call is your chance to be part of the 2024 PhotoVogue Festival in Milan, potentially appearing in Vogue. Plus, two artists will receive a $5,000 grant each!

In collaboration with parley tv for the Oceans, we’re dedicated to elevating awareness and driving initiatives that protect our oceans. Together with Parley, we embark on a journey to inspire artistic expressions that resonate with the urgency of environmental advocacy.

Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals, we’re committed to nurturing a world where every living being is respected and cherished.

Submit your work on Picter from today until April 29. Open to everyone aged 18+. Stay tuned for the announcement of our incredible Jury!

”The Tree of Life: A Love Letter to Nature” will guide our 2024 endeavors, culminating in the PhotoVogue Festival, which also embraces this inspiring theme. This title is more than just a concept; it’s a movement towards acknowledging our shared destiny with the natural world.

Your art can make a difference. Let’s change the world together!

Text Provided by PhotoVogue.

African Artists' Foundation
African Artists' Foundation